Nandos Enterprise Agreement

Nando`s Enterprise Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Latest Developments

If you`re a fan of spicy peri-peri chicken, you`re probably familiar with Nando`s. The popular restaurant chain has been serving up their fiery fare for over thirty years, and their popularity has only continued to grow. However, recently, Nando`s has been making headlines for something other than their delicious menu. The company has been in negotiations with the Fair Work Commission over a new enterprise agreement, and the outcome of those talks could have significant implications for Nando`s employees and the wider hospitality industry. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at the Nando`s enterprise agreement and what it means for everyone involved.

What is an Enterprise Agreement?

First things first, let`s define our terms. An enterprise agreement is a legally binding agreement between an employer and its employees that sets out the terms and conditions of their employment. These agreements cover a wide range of topics, including pay rates, working hours, leave entitlements, and more. Unlike individual employment contracts, enterprise agreements apply to all employees covered by the agreement, meaning that they can`t be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

The Nando`s Enterprise Agreement

The current Nando`s enterprise agreement was first negotiated back in 2013 and has been due for renewal since 2016. However, talks between the company and the Restaurant and Catering Union (RACU) have been ongoing since then, with both sides struggling to come to an agreement. In early 2021, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) stepped in to mediate the dispute, aiming to broker a deal that would be acceptable to all parties.

The main sticking points in the negotiations are pay rates and penalty rates. RACU has been pushing for a 4% pay increase for Nando`s employees, which would bring their wages into line with those of other hospitality workers. They`re also seeking to have penalty rates for weekend and public holiday work reinstated, which were cut by Nando`s in 2017. Nando`s, on the other hand, argues that their wages are already above industry standards and that reinstating penalty rates would make it difficult for them to remain competitive.

The Implications of the Nando`s Enterprise Agreement

So, what does all of this mean for Nando`s employees and the wider hospitality industry? If the FWC is able to broker a deal, it could set a precedent for other hospitality agreements in Australia. A successful outcome for RACU could lead to other unions pushing for similar pay increases and penalty rate restorations for their members across the industry. On the other hand, if Nando`s is able to resist these demands, it could embolden other hospitality companies to do the same.

For Nando`s employees, the outcome of the enterprise agreement negotiations could have a significant impact on their pay and working conditions. A successful outcome for RACU could mean higher wages and more generous leave entitlements. However, if Nando`s is able to hold firm, employees may have to accept less favorable terms or risk losing their jobs altogether.


The Nando`s enterprise agreement negotiations have been closely watched by the hospitality industry, and the outcome could have far-reaching implications for all involved. While it`s unclear at this stage what the final agreement will look like, it`s clear that both Nando`s and RACU are taking a firm stance on their respective positions. As these talks continue, it`s important for all parties to remain aware of the potential impact on their employees, their business, and the wider industry.